Airethalya means "air eternal"
Eternal breath, And in that, life.
Live Life, breathe with me.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lots of Links

Today's post theme... Drum Roll Please!
**duhdaduh duhdaduh duhdaduh duhdaduh...**

Things To Play With!

We've got a kaleidoscope.
This rabbit thinks that your cursor is a carrot.
Share your sketches with strangers,
and get sketches in return!
Do you like Jackson Pollock? Splat away here.
Send an email... to your Future Me!
Feeling comedic? Try creating a comic strip.
Have something to say to your
dysfunctional family? Write a letter.
Flash games + cows
a capella, of sorts.
Can you tell who is the serial killer?
dirty minds quiz
The George W. Bush Speechwriter.



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